Another Music Video?
Yesterday, I found myself recording a music video for a recent single release by musician Ben Sherwin (check out his INSTAGRAM to learn more about him).
This is actually the second music video I've been asked to record and edit. The first I completed last year for the equally talented David Paterson (I'll leave a link to that video at the bottom of this article).
Now, I'm not suggesting that I've suddenly found a recording niche in which I'm excelling. Every video I do allows me to learn something new and hone my skills. More importantly, I'm finding ways to create on a budget, using my imagination and creativity to try and create a look and feel that makes it seem like I wasn't working on a shoestring.
This is what I love about video-making. The whole process, from planning to shooting to editing, is not just a paint-by-numbers affair. Every stage is an opportunity to flex my creator muscles and overcome potential difficulties with a positive attitude and 'can do' spirit.
Isn't this what filmmakers have always done?
They create the extraordinary out of the seemingly mundane. Show you only what you need to see in order to spark your imagination.
In making these music videos, am I stepping from being a videographer and venturing into filmmaker territory?
Location, Location, Location
David's video was a reasonably straightforward affair. We used one large room where I could control the lighting, and I had one fixed camera and one roving camera. (I say "camera," but I actually specialise in utilising the fantastic capabilities of the iPhone. Currently, I'm using an iPhone 13 Mini and an iPhone 15 Pro Max.) David had a band with him, too, including a lead guitarist, a drummer, a bass guitar, and a saxophonist.
They played the song (well, they mimed and pretended to play), I tapped record on the primary camera and then moved around with the iPhone 13 Mini, capturing shots from different angles and focusing on instruments and the aforementioned musicians.
The magic with this video was in the editing. David had a good idea of the style he wanted in the end product. He simply needed to know whether I could pull it off in a reasonable way. And he ultimately seemed happy with the end result.
Ben's video was a different affair altogether. For a start, it was just him and his guitar. He'd recorded the whole song with all the various instruments and vocals himself, so there was no one else to worry about being in shot. With this in mind, it was clear that we needed to create 'movement' that somehow reinforced his song's happy and hopeful-sounding nature. Recording him in a room with his guitar would not have done the project justice.
So we went outside to film.
In the UK, in April, this is a risk. The weather is all sorts of strange at this time of the year. One day, it could be stormy; the next, warm and pleasant. Another day, a little chilly and overcast, the next bright sunshine with a slight crispiness in the air.
We were blessed with the latter when we got together to begin filming.
We started the recording outside a big green door that Ben had chosen previously to use as his single cover art. This seemed an excellent place to commence the journey, and we would move from there and make our way down the side of the river and the canal that was close by.
People Watching
Here's an interesting point to note. When you have a camera set-up that looks reasonably professional and when you have an artist miming along to his song from a little speaker in his pocket, it attracts attention.
A window opens, and a head pops out; some people walk closer to listen. Smiles appear, and in between takes, they are talkative and want to know more. There are no derogatory comments. You find out one of them is a photographer, so they understand completely when you ask them to move because their reflection as they smoke their cigarette will be in the window that's in the shot, and that's not the vibe we're going for.
Another person walks too closely behind us as we walk to the following location. When you turn to confront them, you discover they've liked the music they have heard and want to connect with Ben. They ask him for his details so they can listen to more of his music.
Yet another person asks me if I make music videos for a living. I respond by saying it's not my full-time job, but I'm simply seeing where the need leads. He tells me his name and that he, too, is a musician, and he'd love to have a video done to compliment the songs that he's been sat on for years. He doesn't want to make money necessarily but to scratch that proverbial itch and release them into the wild. We exchange details. His name is David. We're standing on a bridge, and he works nearby.
Another person still gets in the way of our next shot. It's a little annoying, and he didn't realise it. He was waiting for a break in shooting to ask Ben whether he might be up for being a short-notice replacement for an event where the booked musician has let him down. In my head, I forgive him for his faux pas, and we finish the shoot.
Opportunities Come Up When You Step Out
Apart from having a jolly old time filming with Ben, watching him dance about to his song on a grass verge dangerously close to falling into the river, and apart from me walking backwards while he plays his guitar and walks towards me, conscious that I might also have a dip in the water if I don't look behind me, what did I learn from this experience?
Firstly, you don't know what new ventures might be in store for you if you don't experiment with different things. If I hadn't said "no" to David when he asked me if I'd ever done a music video but then said "yes", I'd be willing to give it a go if he was; I would never have had Ben asking if I wanted to do another one. I would never have had the conversation with David from the bridge and the possible opportunity this might bring. I would never have thought that there may be many amateur musicians out there who would love someone to help them make a video to accompany their song. And here I am, learning my trade, capable and affordable. Could I solve the problem they didn't realise they wanted to have?
Secondly, people aren't as scary as you think. Most people are kind and decent, not perfect, but socially sound and are simply looking for connections and conversations. You never know where it might lead when you step beyond your embarrassment and engage with people. It may turn into a brand new friendship, or you may simply brighten their day, never to see each other again.
Granted, recording a music video in public on a sunny day is an unusual vehicle to connect with others.
However, this was never my intention.
I connected with others because I followed where my passion led.
Just over a year ago, I never dreamed I would be making a music video, let alone a second one.
I never considered that being an online content creator would earn me money; it's not a livable amount yet, but I see the possibility now.
I didn't conceive that I could rekindle my childhood love of writing and develop it into three weekly emails, writing about things that excite me.
Let me encourage you to take your dreams and work with them. Somehow, make them tangible. Begin small, but do something!
Don't concern yourself with what others think because most of them, deep down, are probably wishing they were doing the same thing. See where this leads and try new things when an opportunity presents itself.
Don't settle for less than you are capable of.
‘Calling About’ written and performed by Dave Paterson.
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